Friday, July 23, 2010

Recent Sketchbook Entries

I just started a new sketchbook and have been really loving the feel of felt tip pen and mechanical pencil. My wife and I are working on a story we hope to turn into an illustrated trilogy of books and these sketches have largely been the warm-up for wrapping my head around the project.

These last few are some older digital sketches. They represent nothing more than some random exploration.


  1. You should make sure to read some graphic novels before you begin the project. Try reading some of the best ones so you can wrap your head around how a graphic novel can be made into a masterpiece, and shoot for that. My personal suggestion would be Arkham Asylum, A Serious House on Serious Earth. Easily my favorite gun.

  2. Dang it! I was talking about the new Alien Swarm (and a terrible balance decision the dev team made) with a friend, and decided to use the word "gun" instead of the word "book"..... Derp D:

  3. Hey, thanks for the suggestions. We are actually writing novels that will contain illustrations instead of going the graphic novel rout. The visual development side of the project is more for our own ability to better understand the world we are writing about. I hear Arkham Asylum is a pretty good read though.
